In a recent article by David Frum titled " A tax we coul learn to love", propopes a brand new carbon tax that would raise more revenue than ending Bush tax cuts for high incomes, would allow for middle-class tax relief and would help in the battle against climate change.
The earth continues to warm, and to warm fast with serious consequences for human life and welfare. 2012 saw the worst drought in the United States in half a century. Russia suffered its second bad drought in three years. Climate shocks to these two countries are raising food prices worlwife, posing an especially acute threat to the world's poorest. Major storm events strike harder and more of ten, because warming oceans create condisions for fiercer hurricanes.
I believe that David Frum new tax is the best tax that anyone has ever proposed. People all over the world are saying that the world will end this December. I believe that it wont, but what's happening to the atmosphere is terribly affecting the world. The warmer and warmer climate has brought down many crops plantations and the hurricanes had killed alot of people. Also the hurricanes had destroyed many people's houses, and because of that they are homeless and without work.
Emissions continue to grow so rapidly that an international goal of limiting the ultimate warming of the planet to 3.6 degrees, established three years ago, is on the verge of becoming unattainable. Common emissions in the United States have been declined since 2009, not emissions per person ( those have been declining for decades), but emissions in absolute terms. The weak enconomy explains part of the decline, but the real hew of the story is the natural gas fraking resolution.
The global warming has been affecting people for decades, but know it has gotten even worst. And the cause of this is the natural gas fraking revolution. Stubborning high unemployment and fiscal crisis have been the topic all over the world. Even this is affecting the nature and the animals. Forest are burning and animals are starving.
This nuclear warming is not only getting worst in Hong Kong, were there has been a drumbeat of gloom. This is happening all over the world. In some places, like in Vriginia, more than one forest has burned terribly bad. And in most places like Florida, birds are dying of starvartion.
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